


Cursos, Seminarios - Información Gral - Investigación - Libros y Artículos - Doctrina Gral - Bibliografía - Jurisprudencia  - Miscelánea -  Curriculum - Lecciones de Derecho Penal - Buscador



by Marco Antonio Terragni




       The English word love has its origin in the old Germanic language lubojan (today lieben): from root of love.

         In Spanish the word “amor” comes from latin “amor” and has an indoeuropean root: amma: Amma babies call their mothers. I think that amma is an onomatopeic sound that shows up when the baby is breastfed.

         For me love is synonymous of call to life: ask for it.

         People say love has different feelings: paternal love, filial love, sexual love, etc. but all those have an unique nucleus: the necessity for procure a reply.

         I began this text with the remembrance of the first baby´s days and I will close it with the remembrance of the last moments of my Nonna Irene. When death was coming, she called her mother to claim support




Cursos, Seminarios - Información Gral - Investigación - Libros y Artículos - Doctrina Gral - Bibliografía - Jurisprudencia  - Miscelánea -  Curriculum - Lecciones de Derecho Penal - Buscador
