A little boy and I



Cursos, Seminarios - Información Gral - Investigación - Libros y Artículos - Doctrina Gral - Bibliografía - Jurisprudencia  - Miscelánea -  Curriculum - Lecciones de Derecho Penal - Buscador


  A little boy and I    

By Marco Antonio Terragni

                    Yesterday, Sunday, was a beautiful day. Early in the morning I went by bicycle to the fields, nearly my town. In one moment I found a small stream and made stop because there was a big tree. The shadow invited me to rest.

                   I was there when a small boy (two years old, more or less) appeared in stream´s border and he was began to speak with me. I asked him:

-What is your dream for the future?  

- I would like to play, ever to play.

- What kind of game?

- Any. For example: to go by tricycle, to paint, to see news landscapes, to write, and so on. And what about you?

- I have similar preferences.

- I am two years and six months old. And you?

- I am seventy seven years and six months old.

- And in so large time had you change your preferences?

- No. Ever I enjoy make similar activities.

- What is your name?

- Marco Antonio. And what is your name?

- Marco Antonio. Same name, same future, same history, but not the same person. The difference is seventy five years.


¿Cuál es mi rostro? ¿El que abría los ojos a la vida, o el que ya ha recorrido un buen trecho, reflejando el paso del tiempo? O los dos, procurando la ilusión de la identidad"



Cursos, Seminarios - Información Gral - Investigación - Libros y Artículos - Doctrina Gral - Bibliografía - Jurisprudencia  - Miscelánea -  Curriculum - Lecciones de Derecho Penal - Buscador
